Jet lagging…

I’m not sure which way is supposed to be worse, east to west or west to east. I tried to hang in and avoid the jet lag coming from Hong Kong to England. I think I did well staying up on Friday and made it until about 11 pm on Saturday. But an English Super Bowl (11:30 pm kick-off) had me up into the wee hours of the morning and really tired tonight. I cashed out at about 8 pm with a little spaghetti bolognese induced food coma. Very little energy left before I cash in the chips for tomorrow and a trip to the capital.

Quick hits for the day:

– Big ups to the Saints and Drew Brees finishing the game 29 for 32 with a spiked ball after a slow start. Darn impressive. All of us other 6 footers are proud.

– Now we are going to have a government run Climate Service. Just in case anyone was wondering, the Constitution does not mention Climate Service.

– The Dow closed below 10,000. Right where it belongs. Don’t kid yourself into thinking the economy has done much of anything to “recover” in the last year.

– Dr. Conrad Murray has been charged with manslaughter. He better hope Mark Furhman is prosecuting against him.

– Can anyone in DC see above the snow yet?

Goodnight and God Bless,
