Close shave America, close shave BARBASOL…

The e-mail count sits at 136. Thankfully I gmail and these have twisted into 2 strings: 100 string max out and a 36 e-mail string and growing. Why? Barbasol. The strings began with my boy SB sending out a link to the youtube’d commercial for Barbasol which played during AFC/NFC champsionship weekend. I’ve watched it once on my blackberry. I cannot wait to get home and watch it on a full screen. PwC Hong Kong and youtube are not compatible.

This one commercial has led to a discussion ranging from what shaving cream to use, gel vs. foam, 3 vs. 4 vs. 5 blades, with or without vibrate, in shower or at sink shave, fog or no fog mirrors, and lazy susan bathroom organizers.

Cappy, a senior member of The Crew, was a 20 year gel man. Sporting an “I’ve only shaved twice since October beard” he went out and dropped $47.89 on new shaving goods including Barbasol…shaved the beard…and loves it. He’s become a foam man just because of one ongoing e-mail string. Let’s be clear. This was not a monthlong process of developing the string. I woke up to 54 gmails on Tuesday and 22 more on Wednesday solely focused on the Barbasol experience.

I am in mid-bottle of my Edge Gillette gel. What will I be buying when it runs out? Barbasol.

Quick hits of the day:

– I am doing what I thought I would not do. I am going to see Avatar tonight. The draw of a 4-D experience at the Extreme Theatre at Hong Kong airport lured me in. Apparently there is mist and wind pumped into the theater. When my co-worker originally told me about 4-D I thought they had an invented a time travel machine in Hong Kong. Believe me, I wouldn’t be too surprised.

– There is a headline today stating Sarah Palin wants Rahm Emanuel fired. I may not disagree with her, but does anyone care what she has to say?

– Ten movies nominated for Best Picture? Not a fan. “Oscar nominated” is going to become like saying “I got a 1600 on my SATs” after they changed the scoring. Weak America, very weak.

– Elisabeth Hasselbeck – Top 5. Blake Lively – Top 10. Carrie Underwood – Top 10.

– Ten day countdown until the Olympics. Who is pumped for curling to start? This guy.

Fox News has 13 of the top 15 cable news shows. Enough said.

Goodnight and God Bless,