Close shave America, close shave BARBASOL…

The e-mail count sits at 136. Thankfully I gmail and these have twisted into 2 strings: 100 string max out and a 36 e-mail string and growing. Why? Barbasol. The strings began with my boy SB sending out a link to the youtube’d commercial for Barbasol which played during AFC/NFC champsionship weekend. I’ve watched it once on my blackberry. I cannot wait to get home and watch it on a full screen. PwC Hong Kong and youtube are not compatible.
This one commercial has led to a discussion ranging from what shaving cream to use, gel vs. foam, 3 vs. 4 vs. 5 blades, with or without vibrate, in shower or at sink shave, fog or no fog mirrors, and lazy susan bathroom organizers.
Cappy, a senior member of The Crew, was a 20 year gel man. Sporting an “I’ve only shaved twice since October beard” he went out and dropped $47.89 on new shaving goods including Barbasol…shaved the beard…and loves it. He’s become a foam man just because of one ongoing e-mail string. Let’s be clear. This was not a monthlong process of developing the string. I woke up to 54 gmails on Tuesday and 22 more on Wednesday solely focused on the Barbasol experience.
I am in mid-bottle of my Edge Gillette gel. What will I be buying when it runs out? Barbasol.
Quick hits of the day:
– I am doing what I thought I would not do. I am going to see Avatar tonight. The draw of a 4-D experience at the Extreme Theatre at Hong Kong airport lured me in. Apparently there is mist and wind pumped into the theater. When my co-worker originally told me about 4-D I thought they had an invented a time travel machine in Hong Kong. Believe me, I wouldn’t be too surprised.