And so it begins…

Hello, World! I decided awhile back that today, my 30th birthday, I would join the blogiverse (and yes, I realize I am joining the party about five or ten years late). I rant. I rave. I make my family and friends laugh, and occassionally fume. Now it is your turn. Join in for the ride as I share what I think and how I feel about whatever crosses my radar. Sports, politics, local or world issues (I have been traveling for three years, so the world’s in play now), food, fantasy football, religion, health care, technology…you name it, at some point I will get to it, and more often than not, I am sure you will help to drive me to a topic.

What does one do on his 30th birthday? I chose working out, watching The West Wing (a Hall of Fame member in my TV book), work (it is a Wednesday after all), and dinner with my family (hot dogs, Kraft mac ‘n cheese, applesauce and a special treat of a Coldstone cake from my sister – which may sound like your resident 9 year old’s request and frankly, I’m proud to say I have cross-generational tastes).

The evening was capped off with Episode 2 of this season’s American Idol, down in the ATL. RJ and Simon were crackin’ me up as usual which made for some great laughter. How dominant is that show and will that show be for the remainder of the year? No Simon Cowell next year is going to mean a HUGE ratings drop-off. Living three years in England showed me the power he brings to TV and will bring as The X Factor leaps across the pond, just like I just did twice, once there and once back.

To wrap it up for day one on The Lockhart, some quick hits –
– Watch the Massachusetts special election Tuesday. A Republican upset could mean a health care filibuster and a closed door on an Democratic dream.
– Pete Carroll got out just in time.
– Mark McGwire could NOT have used steroids only for health reasons for that long.
– Mark June 12th in your calendars – USA vs. England to start the World Cup
– Go Tigers, Lions, Red Wings, Pistons, Aston Villa and Hillsdale!

Excitedly I welcome you to get involved or get listening.

For today, goodnight and God Bless,
