The effects of jet lag…

Can really kick your tail. I fought through a yawning dinner last night as my body told me it was well past bedtime. Thankfully I made it until almost 10 pm to try and adjust but MY LORD does it take longer than you would like to figure out what time it is. I woke up at 4:45 am, which I guess was good because I then worked out at 6 am. Two of my co-workers showed up midway through the elip workout which I guess proved I was not the only one who could not figure out where I was. This all worked out fine until about lunch time when I read my clock and it said 11 pm. Yeah, so, not really the best time to think about eating. I would rather crash and my chances for productivity from here until day’s end drop quickly with each passing hour. Thank you jet lag!

The English influence continues as I was able to get some Marks & Spencer snacks for our team room today. Mini wafer curls and Percy Pig are a big hit, with me at least.

The Monday light night chatter from The Crew revolved around the new Barbasol commercial. I watched it, half-awake, at 5:30 am on my blackberry so needless to say, I need to see a full screen edition at some point. The enjoyment did not hit me as quickly as it did others. Somehow, and only in The Crew would this happen, that commerical led to the investigation of, and youtube watching of, those who have made 7-10 splits on live TV. For the record, and called perfectly by The Great Murphenis, Mark Roth did it first in 1980.

I wanted to show it to you, and maybe I will in a week or two, but I tried to access Youtube and it was blocked, I think by PwC Hong Kong.

And on that note…

Goodnight and God Bless,
