Random questions of the day…

– How cool is this picture of the Colosseum? Rome’s largest snowfall in 25 years. Global wahhhaaat?
– Is Greece going to be a high-profile country version of Lehman Brothers? I’m not ruling it out.
– Could there have been a worse start for the Winter Olympics than constant stories about lack of snow and a luge death? I was rooting for Vancouver too. These two are totally out of their hands though, so let’s give them the next two weeks to deliver.
– Will the Tigers sign Johnny Damon? I don’t know, but if they do, I want a return of “Jesus” Damon and not “Thank you for the millions Mr. Steinbrenner” Damon.
– What’s more surprising, that after Patrick Kennedy does not seek re-election in Rhode Island that this will be the first time in many years that there is not a Kennedy in Congress…..or that it took this long to break the streak after the two most impressive left us years ago?
– Has there been a teen melodrama that produced more solid Hollywood careers than Dawson’s Creek? Talk about not being typecast. Pretty impressive stuff.
– When is my friend who works in digital cellular electronics going to invent a phone the government can’t track? Not soon enough.
– Did Heidi Montag look better before or after all the plastic surgery? I actually don’t know.
– Christ Church, Brasenose, Exeter, St. John’s or a different college at Oxford….which would you choose?
Goodnight and God Bless,