Oh what a night…

Rang out loud and proud in the Fisher Theater tonight as “Jersey Boys” continued its extremely successful run in Detroit. Great play and great energy. To see a city that has been so struck by the depression pack the house and get up clapping and singing along at the end of the show was really fun and inspiring to see. Three generations of my family were in attendance as my mom and grandma were there too. Two thumbs up all the way around.

Grandma treated us to some depression and WWII era stories on the car ride home although it sounded like the family bank treated them well as the ice cream flowed freely on the 4th of July back then (maybe where my love for ice cream developed?). Apparently my great-great-grandma had a car that she gave to my grandma’s uncle forcing my grandma to take a cab to Detroit from the suburbs to go to the movies. Wow! On top of that, my teenage grandma and a friend decided to ride their bikes from the Detroit/Grosse Pointe border to Mt. Clemens/Sterling Heights. Are you kidding me? Was my grandma training for a triathlon? Count this grandson as very impressed.

Missed 24 tonight due to some personal technical inadequacies in trying to set up my Tivo on time to set it to record before I left for the play. I’ve been gone for three years and it was no easier to set up the Tivo now than when I left. I hope newer models are a lot easier to use than what I have had to deal with.

Time to get 8.

Goodnight and God Bless,


One comment

  • Your grandma sounds like quite a lady. I don’t think your grandma had to deal with 969 or 75 in those days. The biggest obstacle was probably the occasional 3 foot deep pothole that are still quick common in and around The D.